Zina, the name of biggest one of the crimes in Islam. The gravity of this sin is frequently highlighted in the Quran and Hadith, its severe consequences both in this world and the hereafter. However, is it the biggest crime in Islam? This blog will explore the Islamic perspective on zina, comparing it to other major sins, and discussing the reasons behind its severity.

In Islamic teachings, zina refers to any unlawful sexual relationship outside the sacred bond of marriage. This includes both adulteries, where one or both individuals are married to someone else, and fornication, which involves those who are unmarried. However, zina is not limited to physical acts alone. It can also occur through the eyes, such as looking at someone with lustful intent, and through actions like inappropriate flirting or engaging in immoral thoughts. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “The eyes commit zina, the hands commit zina, the feet commit zina, and the private parts confirm it or deny it” (Sahih al-Bukhari & Sahih Muslim).
The Quran strongly condemns zina, warning, “And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way” (Surah Al-Isra 17:32). Additionally, Allah commands, “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do” (Surah An-Nur 24:30).
Why Zina is Considered a Major Sin:
- Moral and Social Impact: Zina disrupts the social fabric, leading to broken families, mistrust, and societal instability.
- Spiritual Consequences: It distances an individual from the path of righteousness, weakening their connection with Allah.
- Legal Punishments: Islamic law prescribes strict punishments for zina, such as flogging or stoning, under specific conditions, emphasizing its seriousness.
Is Zina the Biggest Crime in Islam?
While zina (unlawful sexual relations) is a serious sin, Islam teaches that there are even bigger sins:
- Shirk (Associating Partners with Allah): The biggest sin in Islam is shirk, which means worshipping or believing in other gods besides Allah. The Quran says, “Allah does not forgive associating others with Him, but He forgives anything else for whom He wills” (Surah An-Nisa 4:48).
- Murder: Killing an innocent person is a terrible crime. The Quran says, “Whoever kills a person… it is as if he had killed all of mankind” (Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:32).
- Oppression and Injustice: Being unfair, hurting others, or causing harm is also a major sin. Islam teaches that injustice leads to corruption and suffering in society.
The Path to Repentance
Even though zina is a big sin, Allah’s mercy is greater. If a person feels truly sorry, asks for forgiveness, and changes their ways, Allah can forgive them. The Quran says, “Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, He is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful” (Surah Az-Zumar 39:53).
Zina is a serious sin because it harms a person’s character, family, and society. But it is not the biggest sin—shirk is. Islam teaches us to avoid all sins, but no matter what mistakes we make, Allah’s doors of forgiveness are always open if we sincerely repent.